Hans Christian Davidson

Hans Christian Davidson
From a glass plate negative, shared by the Lorenzo davidson descendants,

1962 Reunion Lorenzo's Family

1962   Reunion  Lorenzo's Family
please help to identify individuals

seven of Amasa and Annies Family

seven of Amasa and Annies Family
Emery, Amasa, Vennis, Amber, Beatrice, Arthur, Edward

Amasa's family 1961 Laggon

Amasa's  family 1961 Laggon
Edward and Agnes Davidson

Arthur and Margaret Davidson & grandson

1961 Reunion Lagoon

1961 Reunion Lagoon
Emery and Mae Davidson

1961 Reunion Lagoon, Amasa's family

1961 Reunion Lagoon, Amasa's family
Beatrice and Annabee and family

Amber and Sylvia

Amasa, and Ambers Family

Amasa, and Ambers Family
Charles and Ruth Davidson & chldren

1959 Liberty park reunion

1959 Liberty park reunion
eating in the Bowery

Hans Thomas' Family

Hans Thomas' Family
Lois, Beth, Jeannette and Lois' children

1959 ruionion , Liberty Park

1959 ruionion , Liberty Park
Amasa's Family

1959 lierty park

1959 lierty park
Aunt Lucinda's Family

H C Davidson , Hans T.Davidson; Emery Davidson Descendants

H C Davidson , Hans T.Davidson; Emery Davidson  Descendants
Emery Davidson family, At Lyman reunion

Annie Hansen Davidson & 3 sisters

Annie Hansen Davidson & 3 sisters
Taken at church steps, Mt. Pleasant or Spring City

Aunt Bells Family

Aunt Bells Family
1959, Liberty Park

more officers

more officers
Ted Davidson, David White, Blanche Christensen

196? REUNION Lyman, Wyoming

196? REUNION Lyman, Wyoming
Gwynn, Davidson, Eskel Davidson, Edwin Davidson,Blanche Christensen, Amber C. Davidson

H C Davidson's Genealogy

H C Davidson's Genealogy
He printed this as a card

Annie & Hans Christian Davidson

Annie & Hans Christian Davidson
some repair work has been done on the pictures

H C Davidson and Wife Annie Maria Jensen

H C Davidson and Wife Annie Maria Jensen


two Daughters of HC Davidson do you know which two?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Church in Denmark and Sanpete County

The following is taken from the Book,

Church Chronolgy;

A Record of Important Events Pertaining to the History of the

Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Compiled by Andrew Jensen, assistant Church Historian, Second Edition, Printed at the Deseret News, Salt lake City, Utah, 1941
[This book is available on Google books]

1849 - November: Monday 19; Sanpete Valley was settled by a company under the guidance of Isaac Morley and others; They located near the present site of Manti.

1850 - June: Friday 14; Apostle Erastus Snow and Elders John E. Forsgren and George P. Dykes landed in Copenhagen, Denmaark, as the first missionaries to Scandivania, Except for Elder Peter O. Hansen, who had arrived ther a few weeks before.

July, Thursday 4; Parleys Canyon, was opened for travel; this opened a shorter and improved road from the Weber river and Echo Canyon, and the Great Salt Lake Valley.

-- Monday 5; President Brigham Young pointed out the site of a temple on the hill where the Manti Temple in Sanpete county now stands.
--Monday 12, The first Baptisms in Denmark, by divine authority in this dispensation, took place in Copenhagen, Apostle Erastus Snow baptizing fifteen persons in Oresund.
--Sunday 25 , The Sacrament was Administerd for the first time in Denmark by divine authority in this dispensation.

-- Sunday 15, The first branch of the church in Scandivavia was orgaized in Copenhagen, Denmark, with fifty members.

-- Wednesday 1, The first native Scandinavian Elder was ordained in Denmark
May -- The Book of Mormon in the Danish Language, translated by Peter O. Hansen, published by Erastus Snow in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was the first in a foreign language.
-- Saturday 21, The Saints' Assembly Hall at Aalbort, Denmark, was demolished by a mob.
-- Saturday 16, The first General Conference of the Scandinavia mission was held in Copenhagen, Denmark; Erastus Snow presided. It was a three day conference.
--The first number of Skandinaviens Stjerne [Scandinavian Star] , a monthly [now semi-monthly ] periodical , was published by Apostle Erastus Snow, in copenhagen, Denmark.
--Tuesday 21. Elders Hans Peter Jensen and Hans Larsen received very cruel treatment from a mob on Bornholm, Denmark, for preaching the gospel.
-- A number of Saints ere cruelly treated by a mob in Brandbyester, Sjaland, Denmark

--Tuesday 20 --Elder Knud H. Bruun was fearfully whipped and nearly Killed by amob at Falkerslev, on Falster, Denamark.
--Saturday 31 - Nine Saints saialed from Copenhagen, Denamark, for America, being the first "Mormon" emigrants from Scandinavia.
-- Thursday 4 - After establishing a mission in Scandivania, Erastus Snow sailed from Copenhagen , Denmark, to return home, accompanied by 19 emigrating Saints.
-- Thursday 11 - The Ship Italy sailed from Liverpool, England, with 28 Scandivavian Saints. -- The first from the Scandinavian mission.-- Under the direction of Ole U. C. Menster. The company arrived at New Orleans May 10th and is G. S. L. City Oct. 16th crossing the plains in Eli B. Kelsey's company.
--Monday 31 - Elders John F. F. Dorius, A. Andersen and others were subjected to wicked mob violence, near Skive, Jutland, Denamrk
--Saturday 31 - Elder Christoffer O. Folkman was brutally whipped and nearly killed by a mob at Tinstad, Bornholm, Denamrk, whfer he labored as a missionary.


-- Sunday 16 - The ship EllenMaria sailed from Liverpool, England, with 332 Saints, under the direction of Moses Clawson. It arrived at New Orleans March 6th, where Elder John Brown acted as Church emigration agaent that season. The emmigrants continued up the mississippi river to Keokuk, Iowa, which had been selected as the outfitting place for the Saints crossing the plains in 1863

Indian Troubles
--Monday 18, - - Alexander Keel was killed by Indians under the chief Walker, near Payson, Utah county. This was the commencement of another Indian war.
-- Tuesday 19, -- The guard at Pleasant Creek, [Mt. Pleasant] Sanpete County, was fired upon by Indians who also during the following night, stole some cattle at Manti, drove away horses at Nephi [Juab County], and wounded Wm. Jolley, at Springville, Utah County.
--Saturday 23, -- Peter W. Connover's company of militia, sent out from Provo to protect the weaker settlements, had an engagement with the Indians, near the Pleasant Creek settlement [Mt. Pleasant] Sanpete County, in which six Indians were killed.

There are other entries in July and August, dealing with Indian problems.


-- Saturday 1, -- James Nelson, Wm. Lke, Wm. Reed and Thos. Clark were killed by Indians at the Uintah Springs, Sanpete Valley.
-- Tuesday 4, -- John E. Warnerand wm. Mills were killed by Indians, a few hundred yards above the grist mill, at Manti.
Thursday 6, -- The General Conference of the Church was commenced in G. s. L. City. It continued for four days. [A number of the Brethren were called to gather families to strenthen the various counties. ] Lyman Stevens and Reuben W. Allred were to gather fifty families for each of the settlements in Sanpete County.
According to the Bishop's reports read at conference, the number of souls in the various settlements were as follows.
Sanpete County; Manti, 647 -- Pleasant Creek [Mount Pleasant, 118 .

--Sunday 6, Chase's sawmill, in Sanpeate County, was burned by the Indians.


This year, the crops in Utah were partly destroyed by grasshoppers, the so-called Walker war was terminated and the Deseret alphabet was formulated.